Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:17

Bail Bonds Oakland

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Bail Bonds Oakland 510-760-9409

You have just been arrested. What should you do?

1) Keep quiet. Do not admit or deny anything. Remember you have the right to remain silent - use it. Take a look at this video:

It could happen to you.

Pay attention to the police interview toward the end of the video. Do you know what is happening here? Every time a police officer is interviewing a subject he his building his case aganst you. If you are the suspect, talking to the police will not help your case at all.

2) Call 510 Bail Bond to bail out of jail ASAP. 510-760-9409 The longer you sit in jail the more time they have to build a case against you - by interviewing you. They will build their case against you with your help. Do not let that happen! They have easy access to you and will wear you down. Fight your case with home field advantage. Bail out with 510 Bail Bond and give yourself a fighting chance.

3) Put 510 Bail Bond 510-760-9409 as a contact in your phone. When your loved one is arrested you don't want the added stress of looking for a Bail Bondsmen. Remember, it is better to know me and not need me then, to need me and not know me.

4) Use your smart phone to scan in our contact info with the below QR code.

Bail - It's what we do. Any Jail Any Bail

Visit our Oakland bail bond site

Read 301671 times Last modified on Monday, 04 November 2013 20:27

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All Day - All Night

510-760-9409 | 925-290-7688

Phone Ribbon 20140710

510 Bail Bond is a California Department of Insurance licensed bail company serving the people of California. License # 1845586, 0845586

Bail - It's what we do.  

Insurance too. 

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