Friday, 08 November 2013 00:44

Bail Bonds


 Bail Bond Locations


     Bail Bond Cities


             Local Jail / Court


  • Alameda County Superior Court
  • San Leandro Jail
  • Berkeley Jail
  • Berkeley Superior Court
  • Elmwood Correctional Facility
  • Fremont Jail
  • Fremont Hall of Justice
  • Hayward Jail
  • Hayward Hall of Justice
  • Magurie Jail
  • Oakland Wiley Manuel Court
  • Pleasanton Hall of Justice
  • Rene C. Davidson Court
  • San Mateo Northern court
  • San Mateo Southern court
  • San Jose Main Jail
  • San Jose Court House
  • Santa Rita Jail 
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Published in Bail Bonds
Friday, 25 October 2013 17:56

Fremont Bail Bonds drinking ad


Bail - it's what we do.

Published in Fremont Bail Bonds ads
Thursday, 24 October 2013 18:12

Bail Bonds Fremont

Bail Bonds Fremont


We provide quick and discreet bail services to many people in need from jails such as the Fremont Jail, Sacramento Jail, Santa Rita Jail, Hayward Jail, Maguire Jail, Berkeley Jail, San Jose Jail and more though out the state of California. 

The Fremont jail Facility is a Type-I jail with a  capacity of 96 prisoners and a total of 54 beds.  The Fremont jail is responsible for the temporary care and safe custody of persons arrested or detained by the Fremont Police Department prior to arraignment in court or transfer to the Alameda County jail (aka Santa Rita Jail). Aside from booking, housing, and releasing of pretrial prisoners, the Detention Facility also provides other services, such as court-ordered bookings, registrant bookings, and Live Scan services.

Fremont Bail Bonds hours of operation for the Fremont Jail:

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • The Fremont Jail is currently located to the rear of the Police Department building, south of Stevenson Boulevard
  • Give us a call 510-760-9409 for all your bail bond needs 


 Bail - It's what we do. 


Published in pages
Thursday, 24 October 2013 17:41

Fremont Bail Bonds

Fremont Bail Bonds



DUI Fremont 

No matter what the charges are 510 Bail Bond can handle your bail. Have the following information ready when calling: 

  1. Inmates full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. What jail 
  4. Date of arrest












 The arrest process is at best a humbling experince. Do not let your loved one spend one minute longer in jail than they have to. Give us a call to start the bail process. 510 Bail Bond has licensed, experince local Fremont bailbondsmen ready to help your loved one bond out of jail. We are moments away from the Fremont Jail and have the bail experts to ensure your loved ones release. Give us a call - we're here to help. 

Bail - It's what we do. 


Published in pages
Monday, 04 April 2011 20:03

Contact Us


510 Bail Bond Contact info


     Need bail, contact us anytime and any place. We can make your bail quickly and discreestly. Talk to our bail professionals now.

     Bay Area  510-760-9409
     Pleasanton: 925-290-7688
     San Jose: 408-465-9471

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QRScan for contact information

Bail - It's what we do. 




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Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All Day - All Night

510-760-9409 | 925-290-7688

Phone Ribbon 20140710

510 Bail Bond is a California Department of Insurance licensed bail company serving the people of California. License # 1845586, 0845586

Bail - It's what we do.  

Insurance too. 

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