Santa Rita Bail Bonds Remanded
Fremont Bail Bonds
Your bail has just increased as you are standing in court you hear the judge say that your bail is now set at $50,000.00 and they are sending you back to jail.
What just happened? This is more common than you think. In short the court is saying they made a mistake in setting your bail. It should of been $50K not $20K. As you are being carted off to jail wondering what just happen your thinking I'll just post another bond and be out like last time. Yes you can but here is what happened. The courts mistake has just cost you $2,000.00. The fee you paid your bondsman of $2K for your first bond was earned the second you stepped out of jail and is non refundable. The judge has just discharged that bond and set a new bond for $50K. You now have to come up with $5K to bond out on your new bond. If the court had set your bail at $50,000.00 in the first place you would only be out $5K for bail not the $7K total you would have to pay for your freedom. I would argue that this is against your 8th amendment rights of excessive bail. By the courts mistake they are raising your bail another $20K, does not seem right to me. I receive many calls form upset people asking why do I have to pay more for bail now? As I explain this has nothing to do with your bail company raising your bail. The bail is set by the judge, each bail bond written covers the bail amount, when the judge ordered your bail set at $50K a new bail bond of $50K will be needed to grant your release form jail.
Our law makers are quick to add law prohibiting use of cell phones while driving, j-walking but where are they when your freedom is at risk? That extra $2K may be the difference of you making bail or setting in jail.
Bail - It's what we do.