Dave Laskey

Dave Laskey

Wednesday, 13 November 2013 21:12

Football Signals

Fremont Bail Bonds

This should clear it up. Now you know. 

Tuesday, 12 November 2013 22:57

Pacifica Bail Bonds

Pacifica Bail Bonds desk 510-760-9409 

Friday, 08 November 2013 21:58

Alameda Bail Bonds 510-760-9409

Alameda Bail Bonds


"Ok thank you for being the only easy part of this ordeal." Quoted from client 






Alameda Bail Bonds 

When arrested in Alameda County you will most likely end up in one of the main jails either the Santa Rita Jail or the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility AKA the Oakland Jail. Alameda and other small cities will hold inmates at the local police station or the city jail if available for a short time before transporting them to Santa Rita Jail. If your loved one is being held in the city of Alameda act fast by calling 510 Bail Bond (510) 760-9409. This will speed their release times considerably by bailing out at the local jail. Don’t let your loved one spend one minute longer in jail then they have to. Call now, bail now.

Bail - It's what we do.




Form more information on bail in other cities around the bay


Friday, 08 November 2013 00:44

Bail Bonds


 Bail Bond Locations


     Bail Bond Cities


             Local Jail / Court


  • Alameda County Superior Court
  • San Leandro Jail
  • Berkeley Jail
  • Berkeley Superior Court
  • Elmwood Correctional Facility
  • Fremont Jail
  • Fremont Hall of Justice
  • Hayward Jail
  • Hayward Hall of Justice
  • Magurie Jail
  • Oakland Wiley Manuel Court
  • Pleasanton Hall of Justice
  • Rene C. Davidson Court
  • San Mateo Northern court
  • San Mateo Southern court
  • San Jose Main Jail
  • San Jose Court House
  • Santa Rita Jail 
Maguire Jail
Bail its your right
20140424 We Speak sign
Sacramento main jail
San Jose Sheriff Office
2015-07-23 19.16.57
Dave Iphone 255
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raider fan
Customer service
70 percent copped to it
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SF Jail



Monday, 04 November 2013 21:51

Hayward Bail Bonds

Hayward Bail Bonds



No matter what the charges are 510 Bail Bond can handle your bail. Have the following information ready when calling: 


  • Inmates full name
  • Date of birth
  • What jail 
  • Date of arrest


Bail - It's what we do. 

20140424 We Speak sign
Customer service
Dave Iphone 255
San Jose Sheriff Office
Maguire Jail
70 percent copped to it
GGbridebayarea510bailbond copy
Scan code for 510 bail bond
Become a bounty hunter
2015-07-23 19.16.57
Sacramento main jail
SF Jail
Bail its your right
raider fan




Friday, 08 November 2013 00:17

Santa Rita Jail Information 510-760-9409

Santa Rita Jail Information



Wednesday, 30 October 2013 22:27

Santa Rita Bail Bonds


Santa Rita Bail Bonds


Bail at the Santa Rita Jail is handled through licensed Bail agents through the California Department of Insuranse. Have the following ready when calling a licensed 510 Bail Bond agent:

  1. Inmates name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Date of arrest


 Santa Rita Bail bonds


Bail - It's what we do. 


Friday, 25 October 2013 21:52

Berkeley Bail Bonds

Berkeley Bail Bonds






510 Bail Bond at the Berkeley Jail
2100 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley Ca

Berkeley Bail Bonds 

When arrested in the City of Berkeley you will most likely end up in one of the main jails either the Santa Rita Jail or the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility AKA the Oakland Jail. Alameda and other small cities will hold inmates at the local police station or the city jail if available for a short time before transporting them to Santa Rita Jail. If your loved one is being held in the city of Alameda act fast by calling 510 Bail Bond (510) 760-9409. This will speed their release times considerably by bailing out at the local jail. Don’t let your loved one spend one minute longer in jail then they have to. Call now, bail now.

Bail - It's what we do.









Form more information on bail in other cities around the bay:



Bail bonds at the Berkeley Jail is quick and easy using a 510 Bail Bond agent. More infomation on the Berkeley Jail:

  • The Berkeley jail has a total of 16 cells for men and four (4) cells for women, two (2) Detoxification cells and two (2) Safety cells. The facility can house 40 detainees and is used for incarceration between arrest and arraignment, normally the next business day, or pending court holidays or within 48 hours. Men and women being held in the Berkeley jail are provided three meals a day.  For information regarding an individual in custody including charges, bail amounts and visitation, please call (510) 760-9409.
  • Have the date of arrest, inmates full name and birth date for faster service. 


Berkeley Bail Bonds


Bail - It's what we do. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 22:12

San Francisco Bail bonds

San Francisco Bail Bonds


San Francisco Jail
850 Bryant Street, 6th Floor 
San Francisco, CA 94103
510-760-9409 Bail Bond information

San Francisco Jail bail bonds

Bail - It's what we do. 

Bail for the San Francisco Jail is handled at the bail desk. Have the following information ready.

  1. Inmates Name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Date of arrest

Your call will be answered by a licensed bail agent who will answer all your question. 510 Bail Bond will make the bail process as easy as possible. 

Wednesday, 30 October 2013 00:17

Bail Bonds Oakland


Bail Bonds Oakland 510-760-9409

You have just been arrested. What should you do?

1) Keep quiet. Do not admit or deny anything. Remember you have the right to remain silent - use it. Take a look at this video:

It could happen to you.

Pay attention to the police interview toward the end of the video. Do you know what is happening here? Every time a police officer is interviewing a subject he his building his case aganst you. If you are the suspect, talking to the police will not help your case at all.

2) Call 510 Bail Bond to bail out of jail ASAP. 510-760-9409 The longer you sit in jail the more time they have to build a case against you - by interviewing you. They will build their case against you with your help. Do not let that happen! They have easy access to you and will wear you down. Fight your case with home field advantage. Bail out with 510 Bail Bond and give yourself a fighting chance.

3) Put 510 Bail Bond 510-760-9409 as a contact in your phone. When your loved one is arrested you don't want the added stress of looking for a Bail Bondsmen. Remember, it is better to know me and not need me then, to need me and not know me.

4) Use your smart phone to scan in our contact info with the below QR code.

Bail - It's what we do. Any Jail Any Bail www.510Bailbond.com

Visit our Oakland bail bond site

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All Day - All Night

510-760-9409 | 925-290-7688

Phone Ribbon 20140710

510 Bail Bond is a California Department of Insurance licensed bail company serving the people of California. License # 1845586, 0845586

Bail - It's what we do.  

Insurance too. 

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